
MAIL@WEB development version

1. Introduction

mail@web is a web based client written in Perl.  It enables users to check
their POP3mail using a brwoser.

2. Features


  +Handles POP3 servers

   +Deals with mime attachments

   +Can reply and send attachments.

3. Requirements

   +Perl 5 has to be installed.

   +Needs the following perl modules to be installed







   +A web server with CGI access.  So far mail@web has been tested on apache

4. Availability

   +Available at the Sourceforge site

5. Installation

   In this example, the web server root will be at


   and the cgi-bin will be located at


  First download the below perl modules from








  Note that most of these modules have other prerequisite modulea

  therefore be sure to read their README files before installation.

  After installing the modules copy the following steps

  #mv mailweb0.1.tar.gz   /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin

  #cd  /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin

  /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin# gunzip  mailweb0.1.tar.gz

  /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin# tar -xvf  mailweb0.1.tar

  /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin# cp index.htm  /usr/local/apache/htdocs

  /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin# cd   /usr/local/apache/htdocs

  /usr/local/apache/htdocs# ln -s /tmp ./tmp

  Edit the index file so that it points to the cgi-bin location.

  Also in the same index file, edit the server value " by

  replacing it with your POP server.

  chown the index.html if you have to so as for it to work on your server.

  Go to the cgi-bin where you utared the program

  edit neutral.htm by changing $domain to the corresponding "\"<
  chmod the cgi-bin files as suited by your server.  Also chown files as suited

  by your server. (notice mine is owned by bin and is group bin).